Monday, July 27, 2009

Don't be wasteful!! (Jangan membazir!!)

The prophet taught the muslims to be economical in the use of water for ablution (wudhu), and not to be wasteful. It is important to note that the prophet wanted the muslims to have the attitude of avoiding wastefullness, even when the resources seem abundant.

روى ابن ماجه أن النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- مر بسعد وهو يتوضأ فقال: ما هذا السرف ؟ فقال: أفي الوضوء إسراف؟ قال نعم، وإن كنت على نهر جار

Ibn Majah reported that the prophet (SAW) passed by Sa'd who was performing his ablution, so he (SAW) said: "What's this wastefulness?" So he replied: "Is there wastefulness in performing ablution?" The prophet replied: "Yes, even if you are on a flowing river."
[Hasan - see as-Saheehah (no. 3292)]

Malay translation: Ibn Majah meriwayatkan bahawa nabi (SAW) lalu ketika Sa'd sedang mengambil wudhu, seraya bersabda (SAW): "Mengapa pembaziran sebegini?" Jawab (Sa'd): "Adakah di dalam berwudhu pun ada pembaziran?" Jawab nabi (SAW): "Ya, walaupun kamu berada di sungai yang mengalir."

And there are many narrations that detail how much water he (SAW) used when performing ablution. An example is:

عن أنس -رضي الله عنه- قال: كان النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يغتسل بالصاع إلى خمسة أمداد ويتوضأ بالمد متفق عليه

On the authority of Anas (RA) who said: The prophet (SAW) used to bathe using a Saa' (of water) to about 5 Mudd (of water), and he used to perform ablution with a Mudd (of water).
[Agreed upon]

Malay translation: Daripada Anas (RA) dia berkata: Nabi (SAW) biasa mandi dengan sebanyak satu Saa' (air) sehinggalah 5 Mudd (air), and beliau mengambil wudhu dengan satu Mudd (air).

A Saa' is equivalent to four Mudd.
A Mudd is one fill of the palms (hands)

Malay translation:
Satu Saa' bersamaan dengan empat Mudd
Satu Mudd adalah tadahan kedua-dua telapak tangan yang penuh

We should all change our attitudes towards being more economical and thrift in our use of natural resources. Do you know how much resources are used to supply clean water for public use in homes, offices, etc.? And to let water go to waste in abundance, especially when performing wudhu is disgraceful. We can't say we are better than the prophet by using more water for ablution. So, stick to the Sunnah, follow the prophet's example.

Change our attitude... Do not waste!

Visit the following link for a glimpse of how much resources goes into getting clean water to the general masses:

Waste no more...!!

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